About a month ago we began a journey by getting a very early start out of Fort Collins with the intent of catching the sunrise and wildflowers at the high point along Trail Ridge road in Rocky Mountain National Park. A large cloud back on the Eastern horizon made for a drab beginning of the day. However, as we began the drive down the other side of the mountain, a little pink started showing in the clouds overhead. Luckily, I still had the camera attached to the tripod and we were right near a large pullout.
In this photograph, you can see the Never Summer Mountains (which is my favourite name for a mountain range) in the background and the headwaters of the Cache La Poudre River, which are hidden in the middle ground valley framed by the pine forest. I worked to find a composition that showed the gleaming ribbon of the stream, but most of what I found lacked the stronger compositional lines of this framing.
I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and the next update may be just as far away. I'm making some changes in the way I handle my photographs and blog posts. The delayed posts is the bad news, but the good news is that I have begun to produce my own prints. This means that images like the one in today's blog post are available as prints in limited or open run editions.
Hope you all are having a fantastic summer!