Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Main Canyon Mustangs

Main Canyon Mustangs by McF Studios
Main Canyon Mustangs, a photo by McF Studios on Flickr.

I can't believe it's march already. Been swamped with commissioned work lately and I haven't been up for air much. Last weekend, we woke up braindead and decided enough was enough. You know those mornings when you're making coffee backwards (yeah, I put grounds in the water kettle and sat down with a cup of tapwater). Time to remind ourselves why we moved out here.

This canyon area is part of a wild horse preserve in Western Colorado. We weren't expecting to see much more than mud, so catching a glimpse of this stallion making sure no one was messin' with his ladies was a treat to be sure! We put a few miles on in the short time we had and made it back to the Jeep just before headlamp time.

PS: We found our first tick of the season and lots and lots of mud, too.