Let's go back to Zion... We're going back to Zion... We're going back to Zion...
I didn't take a lot of photos in the park. Honestly, I was completely burned out from working too much and, well, I wanted a vacation.
Off to the backcountry office to see what could be had. After not too little convincing; that...
yes, we can walk nine miles in 4 hours, follow a trail that gets washed out monthly, know what hypothermia looks like and of course we have headlamps; we scored a coveted hiking permit for "The Subway". Unfortunately, we didn't have any technical gear and were relegated to plodding up canyon 4.5 miles (one-way) and then back down. Whatever... No crowds! No Asphalt!
yes, we can walk nine miles in 4 hours, follow a trail that gets washed out monthly, know what hypothermia looks like and of course we have headlamps; we scored a coveted hiking permit for "The Subway". Unfortunately, we didn't have any technical gear and were relegated to plodding up canyon 4.5 miles (one-way) and then back down. Whatever... No crowds! No Asphalt!
Anyway, we got to see the Subway (pictured above), and now we're on the list to do it next year from the top down. On the way out I got a few shots that will trickle through the blog as I lament the loss of summer over the next few months.
If you're thinking that I'm hyper-sensitative to the crowds and the gear... You're right! No shame here, I have trouble with crowds of people. I find them confining, stifling, often to the point of feeling suffocated! But, hey, no problem! Just give me a few hours of walking in relative solitude to a beautiful location of natural wonder and I may find that as I relax my toleran....
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